Exhaustion creeps into your peripherals like shadows on the dunes. Suddenly you're looking at the world through warped glass, seeing through a shield of steam. Your body isn't performing when you pull the strings- a disobedient soldier, the rogue puppet. The vibrations of your fingerprints on one another is now too small, too subtle for your body to believe- your independence is now too weak for your mind to register. You harden like frozen wax: jawline set in your mold, smiles slower, laughs taste metallic on the base of your tongue like a music box grinding its gears. Music becomes noise, food becomes fuel, art becomes a distraction. The worst part is that you will begin to forget.
You will forget that there is no joy like fingertips tracing a smile, no happiness like after crying when its all too much and nothing wrong with being human. Before you know- you'll forget how to dream and there's nothing emptier, nothing more vacant and skeletal than stagnancy- acceptance of your exhaustion- a life devoid of forward motion and the ability to say nothing at all.
You will forget that there is no joy like fingertips tracing a smile, no happiness like after crying when its all too much and nothing wrong with being human. Before you know- you'll forget how to dream and there's nothing emptier, nothing more vacant and skeletal than stagnancy- acceptance of your exhaustion- a life devoid of forward motion and the ability to say nothing at all.