So for a long time now I've been contemplating my first post. Should it be an explanation of my idea for my blog? A picture post? A longer piece of short fiction or the beginning of a series?
Should it be my favorite piece of work or least favorite at the moment...
So finally I set out yesterday to "write" my first piece of fiction as The Shutter Muse. I sat down, full of intention, put my pen on the paper and... Nothing.
I have all these ideas but none of them corresponded to the pictures that I wanted to use. I did write something (which will immediately follow this post today or tomorrow- a pressure relieved "second post"... no big deal).
Now I'm going to post pictures of my adventures in Patagonia (the Southern part of Chile) where I flew on my first day in Chile. In fact... I flew within my first hour of coming through customs, I packed a travel bag in the airport, stuff strewn all over the floor, people stepping on my toiletries and tripping over my socks.

This is the "airport" in Villa O'higgins where the tiny (slightly unsafe) 8-seat plane landed on a quite windy landing strip.
This house is going to feature in one of the later fictional stories- but as of yet the character is not presenting herself easily. Maybe for NaNoWriMo.

The trees there are full of lichen... But its furrier than any lichen I've ever seen.
They look as if they've grown small beards.
It gives the entire forest a mythical "underwater" feeling. If you do any scubadiving or snorkeling (or google image surfing may do) you might be familiar with the seaweed on the bottom of the ocean that floats about like fingers and sways in an imaginary wind.
It's very similar to that.

The water is fresh water (in the mountains) and deliciously drinkable.
It's also incredibly clear and when the sun was shining a million different colors shone through the water.
If its not showing up as vividly on your computer screen try kicking up the contrast and brightness...
This is in the front of the property.

The reason that Benjamin's family was in Patagonia is because September 18 is Fiestas Patrias (the Chilean independence day) and so on Saturday we went into the town and watched several ceremonies.
This independence day was particularly special and celebratory because its the 200 year anniversary of Chile's independence.

Most of the dogs in the Patagonia are small Chilean terriers (very cute but jumpy and yappy), this was a puppy that captured my heart while we were sitting outside where the ceremony was being held.
Most of the homeless puppies in Chile (Santiago as well) are equally cute to this one, but also equally as dirty.
It's hard to resist petting them. In fact, I find it impossible. I'm never immune to the charms of cute small fluffy animals.

On fiestas patrias there's a ceremony that most people attend (singing the national anthem, dancing, drinking and empanadas)... All of the children (and many of the adults) dress up in their countries native attire.
This little girl reminds me of my stubborn little sister. While all of the other children were holding hands and singing the national anthem, she was insistently seated, stubbornly staring at me and the other people sitting in the back row of the bleachers.

Most of the little girls wore beautiful dresses with layers and flowers and bright colors with ribbons and clips dangling in their hair.
This girl is the daughter of an officer in the Chilean army and her costume was a little less flashy, but incredibly endearing. She was the only child (girl or boy) who dressed up in army attire in Villa O'higgins.

Yeah okay, this ones just cute.
Villa O'higgins and Patagonia were amazing places to visit and I hope to go back and visit soon.
Also: most posts here on will be fictional accounts having little or nothing to do with my travels. So if you're checking my blog to keep up on me check for posts titled "Update". Other ones are my creative mind at work.
Thanks for reading!
-The Shutter Muse